I'm currently debating what I want my YouTube videos to look like! There's a few ways I'm considering making them look- like, I could do a speedpaint about what I'm talking about, but 1: I don't really watch videos like that and 2: that means I have to draw, edit the speedpaint, and make sure I actually keep my thoughts in time with how long the speedpaint is. I think it would make it unmotivating to work on videos because I'd have to make a whole drawing before I made the video. I could also do one of those png avatars that people do where they give it different expressions and stuff, but I'd also want to draw that myself and I feel like I'd make it too much like other YouTubers- plus I'd have to pose it every time I change expression, which is more editing then I would like to do. I don't mind the editing process itself- but it would take a lot of time out of my other hobbies if I have to edit a really long video.

I'm starting to lean towards the idea of just pointing a camera at myself and making a video that way, but despite not having stage frieght I am rather camera shy lol. Even just doing voiceovers my voice kind of fucks up. I think its partially becuase I don't take pictures to begin with and partially just being you know, trans, lmao. Dysphoria and all that. I'd also want to dress nicely for my videos, but then there's also the matter of making sure the camera is at least watchable quality, and that my background is at least passible. I know its really not that important to start, what's important is actually making something and posting it [can't improve if you don't make anything] but that's just how my brain works with everything new. I never had that problem with drawing because I started drawing so young, but its definitely hindered me in making videos [something I've always wanted to do but haven't done much of] and writing [which I've finally started posting on AO3]. But anyways! I'll be making some BNHA/MHA videos soon!

Also side note, I've seen some people in the fandom get pissy when you say the Japanese name or abbreviation of My Hero Academia. So like. What's up with that. Everyone was calling Attack on Titan Shingeki no Kyojin when it came out and I never saw anyone complain then. It's just the original vs localization of the name????